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Select Past Events

Featured past events related to Latin America and the Caribbean that have been organized or co-sponsored by CLACS.

Fall 2023

Spring 2023

Fall 2022

  • Indigenous People as Future Makers: What possibilities does education play in/with Indigenous futures? with Filiberto Penados, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Research Director, Galen University, Belize and Chair, Julian Cho Society; and Alex Allweiss, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Teacher Education, MSU. Dr. Penados works with Mopan and Q;eqchi' Maya youth and their communities in Belize to reconceptualize learning and education as they build a collective vision for their future that aligns with their values. Dr. Allweiss has collaborated with Maya Chuj youth organizers, educators and young people in both Guatemala and the US as they work to reimagine education and pedagogy within and beyond school.
  • "A Colonial Legacy and the continuing impact of archaeology on Maya communities in Belize" with Filiberto Penados, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Research Director, Galen University, Belize and Chair, Julian Cho Society

Spring 2022

Fall 2021

Spring 2021

Fall 2020