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Racism in Mexico: Challenging mestizaje and the cosmic race - Live Event

Thursday, February 11, 2021
6:00 pm/Michigan EST
5:00 pm/ Mexico City


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Invited Speaker: Jumko Ogata
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

The official narrative on race in Mexico suggests that racism is absent due to mestizaje practices. Mexicans are defined as the mixed descendants of Europeans and Indigenous peoples, and Mexico does not have racist laws like the US, so racism seems impossible. In reality, the insidious nature of Mexican racism consists in its apparent invisibility. How can we talk about something if it does not exist? Mestizaje discourse promotes the mixture of races while seeking to whiten Mexicans and assimilate Indigenous and Black populations. This talk explains Mexico's racist dynamics and racialized peoples' resistance against this system of oppression.

Event co-sponsored by: MSU Romance and Classical Studies, Race in 21st Century America Conference, Department of African American and African Studies, and Global Youth Advancement Network

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