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How to Apply for Strategic Partnership Funds

How to Apply for Strategic Partnership Funding

If you are developing a project that fits the requirements described on the strategic partnership funds page, we encourage you to contact us.  Although CLACS will announce target dates for submission of proposals each fiscal year, we will accept proposals and continue to make awards for the remaining funds on a rolling basis until all funds have been expended.  

Over the long term, the criteria used to evaluate the allocation of these funds will include:

  • the number and quality of collaborative research grants submitted and awarded
  • the number of collaborative research publications completed
  • continued productive collaboration with partner institution around research and mutual interest.

For examples of projects previously funded, visit the funded projects page. Submit proposals or inquires via email to Laurie Medina, CLACS Director at medina(at)

Writing a Proposal

Proposals for Strategic Partnership Funds should include 3 sections:

Section 1

A narrative that addresses the following questions:

  • What research activities are proposed for this trip?
  • What programs or solicitations could fund the proposed research?
  • What institution is involved?
  • How has this institution been chosen as a strategic MSU partner abroad?
  • What is the proposed research topic or issue?
  • How does this topic align with the ISP themes of food and agriculture, environment, health and nutrition and education?
  • With which department and/or college at the host university will you collaborate?
  • What MSU faculty are involved and from which colleges/departments?
  • If project participants previously have engaged in collaborative work with colleagues at the selected institution, what was the nature and duration of that collaboration?
  • If the participants seek continued Strategic Partnership funding, how will the proposed activities build on the previously funded ones and result ultimately in research proposals and publications?

Section 2

Written endorsement from the applicants' deans or department chairpersons committing to a minimum of 20% matching funds.

Section 3

Proposed budget.