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2018 Graduate Student Conference

This conference aims to generate interdisciplinary conversations on themes of shared interest and to encourage dialogue between scholars from Latin America and the Caribbean and US scholars who plan research in the region.  

CLACS 2nd Annual Graduate Student Conference

February 9, 2018

1:00 - 5:00 pm

303 International Center

1:00 - 2:00 pm Diaspora Communities and Identities (Moderator, Osvaldo Sandoval)

  • Andrew Bentley, The Wandering Song: Emerging Literary Voices of the Central American Diaspora in the United States
  • Marcela Omans, The Remaking of Chinatown in Latin America
  • Yadira Nieves, Radio Practices and Their Impacts During Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico


2:00 - 3:00 Lunch from Cocina Cubana 

3:00 - 4:00 Intersections of Human, Animal and Environmental Health (Moderator Yadira Nieves; Faculty Rapporteur Dr. Maria Claudia Lopez)

  • Paulo Carneiro, Status of the Mycobacterium bovis and the interrelationship with human health in Amazonas State, Brazil
  • Laura Castro Diaz, Fisheries and Gender Roles in the Brazilian Amazon
  • Sara Torres, Winners and Losers in the Soy Trap


4:00 - 4:45 Official Policies, Unofficial Strategies and Their Intersections/Effects (Moderator Sara Torres; Faculty Rapporteur Dr. Lucero Radonic)

  • Nerli Paredes, Negotiating Differing Infant-Feeding Recommendations: A Pilot Study Among Zapotec Mothers
  • Natalia Ocampo Diaz, Decentralized Forest Governance Entities in the Colombian Pacific Region: insights From the Experience of One of the Pioneer Community Councils in the Country


4:45 Wrap-up session with faculty rapporteurs

Past Conferences

2017 Student Conference