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In the tradition of MSU's landgrant university history, CLACS supports disseminating knowledge to the community and world outside the campus borders. CLACS connects businesses and government to requested information and potential resources. Cultural activities on campus are opportunities for the community at MSU and beyond to experience and learn.  Outreach to K-16 educators fosters learning among students of all levels throughout the state.

K-12 Outreach

K-12 Schools

With the digital age more present in K-12 classrooms, outreach to support teachers has evolved from the early days of books, cultural artifacts on loan, and VHS tapes. While these are still available for loan, CLACS also has electronic resources available.  

The Live, Learn, Latin America series includes short and long videos on a range of topics that provide a glimpse into the region for K-16 teachers to incorporate into lessons.  Some of the videos are of native Spanish speakers to complement language lessons and build skills in Spanish classes.

Once a semester, CLACS also produces an electronic newsletter of information about professional development opportunities, curriculum resources and events at MSU. To join the mailing list, complete this form.

CLACS is also active in LATTICE.   LATTICE - Linking All Types of Teachers to International Cross-Cultural Education is an award winning program and university-community that provides professional development, teaching resources, and networking for teachers of all levels.


Community Colleges

Community Colleges

CLACS conducts community college outreach in collaboration with the Midwest Institute for International Intercultural Education (MIIIE), a consortium of 135 two-year colleges in the Midwest region.  The MIIIE offers professional development programs.  MSU faculty regularly speak at MIIIE summer workshops.

Business and Government

Businesses and Governments

CLACS regularly provides consulting for media, policy makers, businesses, and other professionals by facilitating connections to information and resources.  These may include voice talent of native Spanish speakers or Creole instructors for employees relocating to Haiti. 

MSU's International Business Center (CIBER) is a National Resource Center that provides assistance on issues related to international trade and global competitiveness.